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estela Micro-Frontends Guide

The main goal of micro frontends in estela-web is to be able to use external components. This allows the use of custom components.

estela allows the use of Micro-Frontends only in the user dropdown. This is achieved with the use of Module Federation.


  • The micro-frontends must use Module Federation
  • The micro-frontends must have and expose their routes with the name of ComponentRoutes
      // example
      export default class ComponentRoutes extends Component<unknown, unknown> {
          render(): JSX.Element {
              return (
                      <Route path="/Page" component={Page} exact />
  • The micro-frontend must have a MenuProps array.
      // example
      import type { MenuProps } from "antd";
      import { Layout } from "antd";
      const { Content } = Layout;
      const userDropdownSidenavItems: MenuProps["items"] = [
              key: "/3",
              label: (
                      <Link to={"/page"} >
              style: { backgroundColor: "white" },
      export default userDropdownSidenavItems;

estela configuration

  • To use Micro-frontend configuration, you need to run the command

      $ yarn mf:start --env remoteURL=<MICRO-FRONTEND-URL>

    Where <MICRO-FRONTEND-URL> is the location of the micro-frontend. Example:

      $ yarn mf:start --env remoteURL=http://localhost:3006/
  • For production, you need to run the command

      $ yarn mf:build --env remoteURL=<MICRO-FRONTEND-URL>